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The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)’s new website another aid in preventing suici

CASP announces the official launch of its new website at The new website will enhance the national, not-for-profit organization in providing Canadians with important information about suicide prevention, intervention and postvention.

Suicide continues to be a major issue for Canadians. Approximately 11 people will end their lives by suicide today – and every day – in Canada. Awareness is essential to changing this behaviour. CASP’s plays a key role in delivering information and resources to those who need it most.

“CASP, with its many partners, has been the voice for suicide prevention for over 30 years,” says CASP President Renée Ouimet. “Our members are committed to reducing suicide through collaborative work in the area of research, education, training and support, in the development of needed services to Canadians who struggle with suicide behaviour and suicide related grief.”

The CASP focus is on hope and resiliency. Together with its members, CASP aims to end the silence, ease the suffering, and prevent others from experiencing such pain and loss.

“CASP gratefully acknowledges the support of the Mental Health Commission of Canada for assistance with our website redevelopment,” says Ouimet. “The refreshed site is now far more visually appealing and informative resource for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.”

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