Community Learning and Engagment
Community Learning and Engagment
CLABC Crisis Line Members are dedicated to providing workshops events aross BC that build communities and make them safer from suicide. They include:
Suicide prevention and stigma reduction training
Programs that foster resiliency and coping
Grief support
Capacity building and suicide prevention planning
World suicide prevention day events
Our Guiding Principles
We follow the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention's (CASP) guiding principles that suicide is preventable, suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility, and that suicide prevention strategies should be inclusive, respectful, and informed.
Suicide is viewed as a community health problem requiring a variety of interventions across the spectrum of prevention, intervention and postvention (or as BC aboriginal communities have coined hope, help and healing).
We value and support open communication, collaboration, and sharing information.
We utilize and support best/leading practices, promote collaboration, leverage organizational strengths and resources, and decrease duplication.
Present a unified voice for suicide prevention in BC so that we can support and advocate for ourselves as a network of leading suicide prevention agencies.
We follow the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention's (CASP) guiding principles that suicide is preventable, suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility, and that suicide prevention strategies should be inclusive, respectful, and informed.
Suicide is viewed as a community health problem requiring a variety of interventions across the spectrum of prevention, intervention and postvention (or as BC aboriginal communities have coined hope, help and healing).
We value and support open communication, collaboration, and sharing information.
We utilize and support best/leading practices, promote collaboration, leverage organizational strengths and resources, and decrease duplication.
We present a unified voice for suicide prevention in BC so that we can support and advocate for ourselves as a network of leading suicide prevention agencies.

Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Center of British Columbia (Vancouver)The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is an accredited Crisis Center with the American Association of Suicidology (AAS), a non profit organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis. The Crisis Center has been providing emotional support to youth, adults and seniors in distress since 1969. As a safe place to turn when there seems to be no hope, the Crisis Center is operated by 425+ front line volunteers and a small team of professional staff who support and empower individuals to see their own strengths and options, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We work at the the community level to provide education and training aimed at fostering resiliency and building capacity to respond to crisis and suicide. Distress Services Training Program: A well recognized training, building skills and knowledge to support people in crisis in general, and also those who are experiencing suicidal crisis. Volunteer Crisis Services Responders receive 146 training hours to provide front line crisis support. Clck here for details. Community Learning and Engagement : Education and training that fosters resiliency and builds the capacity to respond to crisis and suicide in our communities. Includes programming for community members and service providers( training), youth and older adults. Service providers and community members from all over BC attend our training programs. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training ( ASIST) Safetalk Suicide2Hope SafeTALK ( Training for Trainers) Skillfully Responding to people in Distress Wellness Programs: Youth: Self Care for Mental Health Tools for managing stress SucideTALK 8-week mindfulness program Adult: Mindfulness Self-Care 8 Week online Mindfulness Program Suicide Loss Support Support for those who have experienced suicide loss, including an 8 week group delivered in partnership with the BC Bereavement Helpline. Click here for details.
Crisis Prevention, Intervention and Information Centre for Northern BC (Prince George)"The Crisis Centre for Northern BC is an accredited crisis centre with the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) located in Prince George, BC serving the north from Haida Gwaii to the Alberta border and from Quesnel to the Yukon border. ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop at CMHA office, 1152 3rd Ave., Prince George from 8:30-4:30 on October 10 & 11. Please call Devon Flynn at 250-564-8644- (210) or email to register. Crisis Centre for Northern BC is partnering with CMHA on October 15 & 16 to provide the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop in McLeod Lake, BC from 8:30-4:30. Please call Devon Flynn at 250-564-8644- (210) or email to register. Crisis Centre for Northern BC is partnering with Carrier Sekani Family Services on October 18 & 19 to provide the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop in Burns Lake, BC. Please contact Vivianne Vanderpool at 2510-563-3360 (122) or email to register. Crisis Centre for Northern BC is offering the Suicide to Hope workshop at the Native Friendship Centre’s 5th floor boardroom (#517-1600 3rd Ave.) from 8:30-4:30 on October 26. Please contact Sandra Boulianne at 250-564-9658 or email to register. Crisis Centre for Northern BC is offering the Reaching Out suicide awareness and prevention workshop at the local high school in MacKenzie, BC for grade 10 students on October 29 followed by Self-Care 101 workshop on October 30. There will also be a free safeTALK workshop held at the Public Library in MacKenzie To register please contact Anna Babluck, Library Director, at 250-997-6343. Crisis Centre for Northern BC is facilitating GRASP (Growth, Resilience, Acknowledgment, Suicide Awareness, Personal Safe Planning), a 12 hour peer gatekeeper program for youth in grades 9-12 at College Heights Secondary School in Prince George, BC October 31, Nov.7, 14 & 21. For more information, please contact Reeta Manhas Crisis Centre for Northern BC is facilitating safeTALK on Nov. 19 from 10:30-2:00 at Axis Family Resources. This is a closed group. For more information on the safeTALK workshop, please contact Sandra Boulianne at 250-564-9658 or email Crisis Centre for Northern BC is facilitating GRASP (Growth, Resilience, Acknowledgment, Suicide Awareness, Personal Safe Planning), a 12 hour peer gatekeeper program for youth in grades 9-12 at Kelly Road Secondary School in Prince George, BC on Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12 & 19. For more information, please contact Chris Gilbert at Crisis Centre for Northern BC is offering the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop on December 13 & 14 at the Native Friendship Centre’s 5th floor boardroom (#517-1600 3rd Ave.) from 8:30-4:30. Please contact Sandra Boulianne at 250-564-9658 or email to register.
Fraser Health Crisis Line – a program of Options Community Services SocietyOptions Community Services Society is a large multi-service agency accredited by the Council on Accreditation. Suicide Prevention Education And Counselling Workshops Workshops are available to schools, community agencies and special interest groups. Participants will learn how to identify warning signs of suicide and ways of providing support to those at-risk.Click here for details. Crisis Line Volunteer Training Trainees work to demonstrate training outcomes related to cultural competency, crisis intervention theory, verbal communication skills, suicide & homicide risk assessment, mandated reporting and information and referral provision. Click here for details.
Vancouver Island Crisis Society (Nanaimo)The Vancouver Island Crisis Society is an accredited crisis centre with American Association of Suicidology (AAS) located in Nanaimo that provides the following training: Community Education Primarily available on Vancouver Island, training workshops include: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – 2 day training Crisis Intervention Skills Training (CIST) – 2 day training safeTALK – 3 hour workshop Suicide Awareness and Response & Suicide Bereavement Workshop – 3 hour training each Suicide Prevention for Schools GRASP (Growth, Resilience, Acknowledgment, Suicide Awareness, Personal Safe Planning) – a 12 hour peer gatekeeper program for youth grades 9-12 Speak Out, Reach Out, Help Out – an 80 minute in class suicide prevention presentation for grades 6-12 World Suicide Prevention Day Annual walk and vigil in September Fee for service – Customized Training 24 hour Crisis Lines Training Volunteer crisis line training